To get rid of the phenomenon of bloating, you need to reconsider your diet, be it healthy food or not. All you need to do is to eliminate from your diet a number of products that at first glance do not pose any harm to the body.

The first thing you should pay attention to is bean. They cause bloating almost every person, regardless of his permanent diet. Some legumes contain phytic acid, which provokes such an unpleasant phenomenon as bloating.

Another product which you should not forget that fizzy drinks. These drinks cause gases trapped in the digestive tract, which in turn makes you bloated.

Next, stone fruit and dried fruit. And those and others, on the one hand, have positive effects on the body, improving digestion, but on the other hand, if they are not digested properly, this will lead to bloating and even gas.

Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage. Many lovers of healthy food I love all these products, as they contain few calories and promote weight loss. However, few people know that cabbage is quite often simply not be absorbed, as in the small intestine, and on entering the large intestines leads to flatulence and bloating.

And, of course, is to say about refined carbohydrates and spices. The problem is that when broken down, these carbohydrates form sugar. Then there is its accumulation and raises bloating and flatulence. Fans of baking have to be careful, because it contains a large number of similar carbohydrates.

It is also important to remember that the body requires its purification from harmful substances. In addition to proper nutrition, daily use of large amounts of water, you can also apply special preparations, containing only herbs of plant origin. As a result, following these simple rules will allow you to bring the body in order to forget about the swelling and even to lose weight.