It is possible to increase male potency natural ways by constructing daily nutritious diet. Many representatives of the stronger sex are careless with food, taking insufficient amount of healthy and nutritious food. First of all, you need to divide the daily ration into at least four meals with time intervals of 3-4 hours. Per meal should be consumed at least 30-35 grams of protein, while trying to limit the amount of fatty and sweet food. What proteins contribute to the maintenance of the male body and libido in shape.
Include in the diet of special foods that lead to improved potency. Most of them are pleasant to the taste. It's dark chocolate, walnuts, asparagus, ginger, green peas, eggs and various dairy products including cheese and milk. Of course, overeating they do not need, but simply taking a daily in a small amount. Of course, the immediate effect will not follow, but after a month or two you will feel a rush of constant energy and desire to have sex.
Take vitamin-mineral complexes in a nutritional Supplement. Do not focus on certain elements. As a rule, lack any of the vitamins in the body can lead to deterioration of General condition and decrease in potency, that is why thanks to complex can increase male potency natural ways. Don't forget to eat fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs can be in the form of salads and fresh juices.
Start to play sports. A very effective way to increase potency in men bodybuilding: uniform load on all muscle groups keep the body in tone, improve blood circulation and libido and, of course, help men to be stronger and tougher, to get rid of complexes. If you are active and team sports, such as athletics, football or swimming, and avoid overloading. Excessive fatigue detrimental effect on the potency.
Try a measure of work and play. Long and tiring working hours affect mood, leading to depletion of vitality, so it is important to find time for a long and active recreation in the form of walks and exercise. Do not forget that every day is important to sleep at least eight hours (some even need 1-2 hours more), and also to relinquish any bad habits.