Most useful for potency products in large quantities containing vitamins a, E and b, helps the transmission of nerve impulses and the secretion of the male sex hormone - testosterone. For this category of food the Greeks even invented a special name – aphrodisiacs.


Most nut-bearing plants affected very beneficially in stimulating potency. Peanuts, pistachios, nuts contain large quantities of vitamins and minerals. Walnuts, in addition, a lot of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, calcium, sodium and zinc.
These substances are particularly important for the normal functioning of the sex glands, responsible for hormone production.

To improve the potency nuts every day preferably is 70-100 grams. The result will be noticeable within a month.


The most useful for stimulation of sexual function are all varieties of onion: the Welsh onion, green onion, onion, leek, and garlic. These products can be used both in raw form and as components of various dishes.
Based on onions and garlic prepare various tinctures to rebalance hormones, rejuvenation and healing the body and increasing libido.

Turnips and carrots also contain many vitamins and other nutrients. It has long been used for the treatment of various diseases, including impotence. The juice of fresh turnip greens with carrots improves cardiac function, stimulates metabolism, enhances potency.


This is one of the most famous aphrodisiacs. It is traditionally given to the groom in Indian weddings to enhance male power in the first night. It is believed that to enhance the effect, you will need to add the flowers of Jasmine, orchids and marjoram.

In other countries the means to enhance potency is made from honey and crushed walnuts. The effectiveness of these recipes even confirmed by medical research.


A positive effect on potency has boiled fish, especially flounder and mackerel. Very good for the health of the sexual sphere also mussels, crabs, shrimp.
Traditional recipes of strengthening of male power in many countries mentioned the meat of sharks and rays, fish oil and powder, of whalebone.


By studying the properties of the watermelon, American scientists have surprisingly discovered that it contains substances that are natural analogs of the active components of viagra and similar drugs. Vicotorian cause vasodilation, which in turn increases blood circulation and provides more blood flow to the genitals.