It is worth noting that it's not just exercises that treat a separate disease, the complex is aimed at the improvement of the whole organism and takes into account the individual characteristics of each.

In connection with the zealous ajitirovanne HLS in large and small cities, there are sections specializing in the treatment of exercise. However, do not think that in a few days physiotherapy will help to get rid of all ailments, as in all things, we need a lot of patience and hard work. Instructors just send each person on the path to proper treatment, and to play sports after they are aware of it or not – business of everyone.

The first stage consists of therapeutic exercises of training the body to perform exercises, this helps easy warm-up exercise. The primary stage involves the implementation of the exercise, that aims to achieve the result, here is a General exercise suitable for all, interspersed with a special that focused only on a particular disease. The head must ensure that the load corresponded to the physical readiness of each patient, and for those who have a problem with it, there is a special technique. It is the sequential inclusion of different groups of muscles so that at the end of this stage in the work was all solid.

At the final stage of the method is the same as for people with poor physical preparation, just the opposite. The load is not increased and is gradually reduced, returning to normal breathing, heart rate decreases, the body feels a little tired.

All this action can take different amounts of time, it all depends on how big the group (it may consist of fifty patients), and from individual capabilities of each of these people. At the beginning of training when the body is not accustomed to daily loads, required to do no more than 10-15 minutes, later add new exercises and in the end, the exercise can continue for a whole hour.

Physiotherapy can be performed at different times of the day, but the best time is morning, immediately after awakening and before Breakfast.

According to patients, gymnastics really works, even after the classes and felt tired, but after some time in place of weakness and laziness comes the strength and courage that persists until the evening.