To have a beautiful, stunning figure dreams, perhaps, every girl. But, alas, not everyone is given. Many girls ready to watch on the flight to spend in the gym, doing various exercises, but are not able to abandon the sweet and starchy foods. And after the next workout, come home, open the fridge, picking out a lot of delicious and unhealthy food. This morning the scales show disappointing results, and it seems all efforts are in vain. After all, to achieve the desired shapes you want to stop to eat sweet, starchy, tasty, harmful meals, stop adding sugar in tea and coffee, to change the style of their food.

How to abandon the sweet and starchy foods

  1. If you find it difficult to give up sweets and you're ready to absorb it in unlimited quantities, it is recommended to visit a doctor. May cause cravings for sweets and flour lies in the health problems, low hemoglobin, poor metabolism, hormonal imbalance. The doctor will aim to pass the necessary tests, and then, seeing the overall picture, make a conclusion about the state of health and give advice on nutrition.
  2. Gradually give up sugar. If you are used to drink tea with 3 teaspoons of sugar, you should gradually reduce the number of – 2, 1 teaspoon... until, until no longer add it. If you're not used to drinking tea without sugar, you can substitute honey.
  3. Train your willpower. It is easier to give up on their intention to give up on sladkogo and flour and throw into a mouth-watering Patty, Berieva who think "tomorrow". This is not the way! This running in circles and you have to understand it. Next time when you see the coveted pie for a moment and imagine two pictures: in one you thick, but with pie in hand, in another picture – a beautiful slim girl. What you want to see yourself? If option two, then walk past the pie.
  4. Always eat Breakfast. It should not be a snack on the go that came to hand. Prepare a full Breakfast – porridge, fruit. After this Breakfast, the body receives all the essential for what to live throughout the day. This will save you from the temptation to put in mouth some sweets.
  5. Equally important is the proper organization of the diet. You need to eat 5-6 times a day. The portions should be small, not including the sweet and starchy foods. If the food is not organized, then at the first sign of hunger is a high probability that you satisfy your hunger with something sweet, instead of a full meal.
  6. Don't forget about the water. A person needs to drink at least 2 litres (or 8 glasses) of pure water per day. This volume includes a selection of juices, fruit drinks, tea, coffee and other drinks.
  7. Include in your diet fresh fruits, dried fruits that can be substituted for regular chocolate. An Apple or a banana are much healthier eaten piece of cake.
  8. In the shop try to avoid divisions where you can buy pastries. There is a big risk to be tempted to buy something sweet or starchy, what will later regret. The house also try not to keep sweet. If you do not live alone, ask other family members to take the sweet away in lockers, so they did not come across to you on eyes.

To abandon the sweet and starchy foods – the most important thing you want to follow the above proposed recommendations. The prize will be slim, beautiful figure.