The cause of nasal congestion can be a few dozen reasons, not just cold related or viral diseases. If the sinuses are blocked regularly, lost sense of smell and often itching in the nose is the reason for going to Laura. And in any case not to self-medicate, as it is unknown what consequences it may lead. The most common mistakes we make when not breathing nose and what they can bring:

Vasoconstrictor drops

Before using any medication, you need to read the manual to see about the side effects. Uncontrolled use of vasoconstrictive drops may cause horrible irreversible consequences including atrophy of the mucous membranes! Drugs of this group, long-term use, addictive, and after the expiration of the funds, the vessels of the mucous membranes of the nose automatically fills with blood, causing congestion again and again. This leads to the fact that the person can no longer breathe through the nose without drops. In the next stages uncontrolled use of a vasoconstrictor is a violation of all the blood vessels of the body, reduced vision, develops hypertension, ischemic diseases of the heart or brain, leading to heart attacks and strokes.

Removal of the adenoids and tonsils

Adenoids are enlarged pharyngeal tonsils, and the tonsils is inflamed tonsils. They are the organs of the immune system of the body and feel the impact of viruses and bacteria, they "learn" and have them fight back. Indications for removal may not serve their frequent inflammation is a natural reaction to the penetration of malicious phone to get Rid of adenoids or tonsils is when they cause short-term breath-holding during sleep, when prevent swallowing, or when any cold leads to purulent diseases of the throat or nose. To decide whether or not surgery, can only specialist.

Lavage of the nasal cavity

This procedure is only effective during viral or colds when your nose is bleeding and cavity clogged with mucus. But even in these cases it is impossible to "get involved" in such a simple way to cleanse the nose with water, together with mucus, and flushes out good bacteria that the mucous membrane produces to fight the virus. In addition, frequent washing threatens to dryness and hypertrophy of the inner surface of the sinuses. If the procedure is performed prophylactically during the flu epidemic, then it should be carried out on arrival home from crowded places. During treatment, nasal rinses can be done not more than 4 times a day for no longer than 5-7 days in a row.