You will need
  • - coffee fine grind;
  • - kettle
  • - a Cup or glass with thick walls;
  • cover to Cup or saucer;
  • - sugar to taste.
A Cup of coffee is prepared rather quickly, so to make it use fine-ground coffee – the rate of extraction is much higher, hence the drink will be more fragrant and tasty. Some manufacturers make on the packaging, and fine ground coffee marked "For brewing in a Cup."
A Cup for brewing coffee is better to choose thick-walled, ideally ceramic. It should be well to retain heat, otherwise the water cools down before the coffee brew. Before cooking preheat Cup, the Bay it boiling water for a minute or two, or just hold it under running hot water from the tap.
Pour in the Cup of one to two teaspoons of ground coffee. If you drink coffee with sugar – just add sugar and it will help coffee grounds to settle at the bottom. If you want you can add spices: pinch of ground cinnamon or ginger, cardamom, nutmeg. Would be appropriate and a few grains of salt: they make the coffee flavor milder.
Pour the coffee with boiling water. The optimum water temperature for making coffee – 96-98оС, but, until the stream pouring from the kettle into the Cup, the liquid has time to cool slightly. So water, boiled a few minutes ago, coffee is not suitable: the final temperature will be too low.
Stir quickly and cover the coffee Cup lid (can use a saucer). Let stand two or three minutes, and then remove the cover. It is not necessary to mix the drink and to disturb settled on the bottom of the coffee grounds – fine particles of coffee, falling into language, able to spoil all the fun.
Coffee, brewed in a Cup, sometimes called the "coffee Polish". This recipe has another ironic name - "coffee Waterski".