We should not assume that Holy water is the cure. Without sincere faith in God it will bring no more benefit than a conventional spring. You also want special prayer for the making of Holy water, because it is Holy you need to drink according to certain rules.

How to use Holy water

Consecrated water accept at illnesses and in the prevention of spiritual health. But in itself, the use of water would be of no benefit if you drink it mechanically, not participating in the ritual by heart.

There are a few rules and take the Holy water. First, this is done on an empty stomach. Second, the water is poured into a separate Cup, not drink from the common jar or bottle.

Besides, sick people can drink it any time of the day regardless of their diet. Also Holy water is used externally for wiping patient seats.

What words to say before and after eating

There is a General prayer for acceptance of Holy water and communion bread. Sometimes I drink water separately. Then the word "Eucharist" is omitted.

So, before you drink Holy water, you need to cross your fingers and say, "o Lord my God, be Thy gift, Holy (unleavened bread) and Holy Your water for the remission of my sins, in the education of my mind, strengthening the body and soul, my strength, in health of soul and body mine, in the conquest of the passions and infirmities of my boundless mercy to Your prayers of Thy most pure Mother and all Thy saints. Amen."

You can also read a short prayer: "Lord, be it unto me a sinner (sinner) drinking this water is sacred not in judgment and condemnation, but in cleansing, healing and eternal life, Amen." At the end of the ritual we need to thank the Lord and pray for healing (if the person is sick).

Rules for storing Holy water

Holy water is a sacred thing, and the attitude to it should be appropriate. Water must be stored separate from food. Best of all – the place where the iconostasis.

It is advisable to stick to the jar or bottle with Holy water label to the household is not confused and had a Shrine like plain water. Also, keep the Holy water from the animals.

Holy water does not disappear and lose their taste. Once consecrated, it retains this property forever. In addition, Epiphany with Holy water to sanctify the ordinary water – bottle and one drop will be enough.

If you still have to pour the Holy water (e.g., after compression), in no event it is impossible to do it in the sewer. You need to pour it on the ground or in the river.