You will need
  • frame with a solid back or any other hard surface;
  • - acrylic paint;
  • - flat brush;
  • - grout for tile.
Some firms have special formulations to cover school boards, but in practice find them on sale - great luck. They are used most often to mask scratches and therefore are sold in small amounts, but the price is disproportionately high. Therefore, it is preferable to purchase ready-made Board or make a cover for it yourself. You can find recipes that mix enamel and cement construction. This coating is very rough, drying have to wait very long, and the odor eliminates the use of the composition in the apartment. Acrylic is almost no smell and dries very quickly, so it is recommended to use it, and as an additional element to take no cement, and plaster or grout for the tile based on it.
For the manufacture of Board suitable for almost any material: thick cardboard, plywood, boards, laminate or even some plastics. Choosing the material, remember that the paint on surfaces such as plastic, metal or Plexiglas is very bad. If possible, you should choose other material, and if you still decide to use plexiglass, metal or plastic, the surface is sanded and covered with primer, only then you can apply the composition for the manufacture of chalk Board.
At work should take care of safety, namely work only in a well ventilated area. When connecting the acrylic grout is often an unpleasant odor. The mixture dries very quickly, so before you begin painting, you need to protect all surfaces to which paint may fall, and the diluted mixture to use once all. Grout shall not be less than 1/5 of the number of paint color, it is better to choose as close as possible to the planned shade clutch. If you take the white plaster, the color will end up being saturated, instead of black can turn grey. The mixture should quickly and carefully stir to form less lumps.
When painting most often one layer is not enough, better to paint 2-3 layers below the surface does not show through the paint. The grains of the mixture is removed until the Board is dry. The coating was uniform, alternating layers of vertical and horizontal strokes, giving the previous layer to dry before applying the next. When done and dry the last layer Board carefully rubbed with chalk and rubbed hard with a dry cloth, polishing. For drawing to use soft chalk to scratch the surface. Washable chalk can dry with a cloth or sponge, occasionally you can use a damp cloth to clean the field.