Pediatricians recommend starting solid foods with gluten-free cereals – buckwheat, rice and corn. These cereals do not cause allergies, and improve digestion. However, you should know that rice is not desirable to give children who have constipation. And buckwheat, on the contrary, give bloating and problems with a chair.
After a year in the children's menu, you can gradually add the semolina and oatmeal. Before this age a child's stomach is not able to cope with these cereals. And semolina in General can cause necrosis of intestinal villi, resulting in reduced nutrient absorption.
It is not necessary to give the baby porridge and quick cooking. They are made of processed raw materials, so they lose the lion's share of its use. It's worth to buy the usual cereal with no additives and cook porridge out of it.
Porridge for infants, prepared with water, vegetable broth, breast milk or special baby. Do not want to use cow's and goat's milk, which is poorly digested delicate stomach six-month-old child. Such fatty dairy products can introduce into your baby's diet only 9-12 months, and then diluting with water in proportion 1:1. In addition, it is not recommended to add to the finished porridge salt, sugar or honey. Let the baby first get used to the original taste of the dish.
Wash your croup. Rice generally can be soaked in cold water for a few hours. Drain the water, a little dry cereal, and then blend it in a coffee grinder or blender. You need not to grind into flour, and to the formation of small grains.
Any baby cereal is prepared strictly according to the recipe. 100 ml of liquid (water, vegetable broth, breast milk) take one teaspoon of crushed cereals. The result is a porridge-gruel, which the child can easily swallow without chewing.
For cooking buckwheat, rice or corn porridge grits poured into cold water. And oatmeal and semolina cooked in boiling water.
Porridge should simmer on a slow fire, the liquid evaporates gradually. In addition, the dish must be constantly stirred to avoid burning. Not recommended for cooking grains in the microwave or a slow cooker, as their modes designed for cooking cereals in the standard "adult" proportions.
For improvement of flavoring qualities of dishes you can add a little breast milk or formula. After a year of infant cereal can be prepared with dried fruits. But you must first check whether the child has allergies to this product.