Since each drug hypnotic action has both advantages and disadvantages, assign it needs a doctor, taking into account all the individual characteristics and health status of the person. Strong sleeping pills to take is strictly prohibited, as they are often addictive and can lead to unpredictable consequences. Such drugs include benzodiazepine hypnotics and barbiturates – they can suppress breathing, cause daytime sleepiness, impair memory, and disrupt concentration.
No modern sleeping pills could not 100% guarantee of absolute safety, but in certain cases they may be harmless. This applies to drugs, upon receipt of which quickly comes and normal sleep (and its structure), is not observed side effects and the price of the drug is adequate. Before the use of sleeping pills need to remember that it is combined with other sedative drugs can significantly increase the chance of side effects. Be very careful to combine sleeping pills with antidepressants, antihistamines, anticonvulsants, narcotic analgesics and antipsychotic agents.
The most safe are now considered the new generation of hypnotics - Z drugs that you can accept even people with short-term insomnia caused by stress or nervous excitement. They act quickly and are rapidly eliminated from the body – but to abuse them is still not recommended. Of benzodiazepine of a number of the safest drugs is "Tazepam", "Nospam", "Signatum" and "Temazepam" - they are prescribed, even for elderly people.
For the treatment of insomnia in younger people can be used to "Zolpidem," but to accept it, as with other benzodiazepine hypnotics, can be no longer than two to three weeks. Otherwise, people risk getting addicted to it. And finally – the most harmless diet drugs are drops, which include herbs such as motherwort, Valerian root, lemon balm, Echinacea, Schizandra, Ginkgo biloba or aloe Vera.