Excessive use of the computer is harmful for eyes, so 7 out of 10 users during long reading display complain of a feeling of "sand" in the eyes, redness, pain and burning sensation. There are three simple rules that will help avoid discomfort while working on your PC and forget about the pain in his eyes.

Competently organize the working place

The key to healthy eyes is the competent organization of the workplace. The table should be placed to the right of the window, the light should fall on the countertop on the left. If you sit facing the window, the fluorescent light will irritate the eyes, and if you placed the window back, it's eyes will be annoyed from the sun's glare on the monitor.

Lighting in the working area must be General and uniform. Prolonged work on a PC in the dark it is unacceptable to use table lamps and other local sources of illumination. It is best to light the ceiling lamps, thereby ensuring uniform illumination of the working area.

Scientists established an interesting fact: when one looks at green eye strain goes much faster. Therefore, ophthalmologists suggest to put next to the computer room plant or object green and occasionally look at him, letting him rest his eyes.

Position the monitor

Position the monitor at a slight angle so the bottom part was a little closer to the top, and the top, in turn, was located just below eye level of the operator. Such a location of the display reduces eye strain.

The PC monitor must be at the level of 50-60 cm from the eyes. If at this distance you can't see the image, it is better to set font to a larger size. The best for working is considered a dark font on a light background, ideally black print on a white background.

Ensure that the monitor screen was absolutely clean. If you're wearing glasses – take care and of their purity. At least once a week, wipe the monitor screen with special detergents. Lens glasses clean they look dirty.

Drink your vitamins and regularly perform exercises for the eyes

To maintain good vision and prevent eye pain during computer work, you must take vitamins for the eyes. In addition, ophthalmologists recommend to include in your diet blueberries, carrots, black currants, and parsley, dill, green onions, drink green tea, tea from the fruit and leaves of hawthorn.

There are special exercises for eyes, which improves circulation and relieves tension from tired organs of vision. This charging is recommended to perform at least once a day, performing each exercise 8-10 times. The exercises are simple: rotate your eyes, move your eyes from right to left and top to bottom, the eyes blink more often (50-100 times) alternately focus the eyes on near and far objects. After charging splash on the closed eyelids with cold water. Cooling facilitates the flow of blood to the organs of vision.

After charging put it on the closed eyelids, warm palm, fingers cross on his forehead. Easy to push your palms on your eyes try to achieve a completely black background. Then tightly close your eyes and try to relax. Imagine something pleasant, e.g., surf or a forest meadow and the birds singing. Just a few minutes on charge and rest – and your eyes will be ready to operate!