You will need
  • fruits, vegetables, dairy products, mountain ash, Linden, marjoram, hop cones, roots of lovage, herb Woodruff, casting, BlackBerry, motherwort, marsh cudweed, flowers of hawthorn, sage leaves, Valerian root, horsetail, calendula, viola tricolor, licorice root.
Menopause or menopause stage natural aging process of the female body. Ovaries stop working, resulting in the level of female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone drops sharply. A woman in menopause faces many unpleasant problems. In particular, she is suffering from hot flashes, excessive sweating, dryness and discomfort in the vagina, insomnia, frequent mood swings, depression, changes in blood pressure etc. How to improve your health during menopause?
First of all, you need to understand that this process is inevitable and someday it was bound to happen. If menopause brings you more mental pain than physical, it makes sense to go to a psychologist. Menopause is a period in a woman's life when worsen existing chronic diseases and the risk of emergence of new diseases. We are talking about cardiovascular diseases and osteoporosis. If you want for as long as possible to stay beautiful and healthy, reconsider your lifestyle, give up bad habits and increase your physical activity.
Eat more fruits and vegetables, and foods rich in calcium – cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt and other dairy products. Maintain normal for your height weight. Take care of yourself. During this period, get a massage, breathing exercises and healthy sleep. Enjoy what gives you pleasure and relaxes you. When menopause shows the intake of vitamins E and B6, perhaps hormonal treatment. If you for some reason don't want to drink hormones, you can turn to traditional medicine, for example, the mountain ash. Rowan is useful to brew both fresh and dry, and it is used for making tinctures with vodka or cognac.
Normalize hormones and help other phytohormones – lime, oregano and hop cones. Regularly drink infusions based on these herbs and you will feel much better. Get more fresh air and do not refuse sex. Regular sex can promote the natural moisture of the vaginal walls and maintain the muscle tone of the pelvic region. And when there is insufficient allocation of its own lubrication use the lubricant. Take a cool shower before bed, and it is helpful to drink at night, a glass of kefir and to eat any of these nuts.
Great efficiency have baths and healing based on herbs. To relax, to get rid of feelings of anxiety and neurosis, you can use this recipe: chopped dried roots of lovage medicinal in 30 g sugar and 1 liter of cold water and leave for 3 hours. After you put the infusion on the stove and boil for 20 minutes. Cool, strain and add to bath. To improve their condition must be taken 15-17 of such baths.
And with the tides it is possible to struggle with such funds: mix 20 g herb Woodruff, 20 g of BlackBerry leaves, 20 g of motherwort, 15 g cudweed herb swamp and 10 g of hawthorn flowers. One tablespoon of the mixture pour ½ liter of boiling water, to insist 1 hour, strain and take 1/3 Cup three times a day. With the same purpose, infusions of sage leaves, Valerian root, horsetail, calendula, viola tricolor, licorice root, etc.