Preparing children for school is not only to trouble to purchase a beautiful shape, comfortable backpack and notebooks with writing. An equally important step is compulsory children medical examination for timely detection of possible health problems.

A visit to the pediatrician

Medical check-up before school is mandatory, but you can get it for free at the district clinic, and in any commercial medical center. First specialist, who is obliged to visit the child, is a local pediatrician. The doctor will record physical indicators: height, weight, pressure; check availability of all required age of vaccination; give directions on tests and visits to specialists; writes a final report on the results of the examination.

The list of required studies and analyses became slightly wider than the accepted 3-4 years ago: the child is required to pass a General analysis of blood and analysis to check blood glucose levels, urinalysis, feces analysis on helminth eggs and scraping on enterobiasis, undergo electrocardiography, ultrasound of abdomen, thyroid, pelvic, and heart.

Visits to specialists

In addition to laboratory and diagnostic tests child before school must obtain a report on the status of the health experts.

The surgeon will examine the child for the presence of tumors, inguinal and umbilical hernias. In boys, the doctor checks the development of the sexual organs and identifies possible abnormalities: cryptorchidism, phimosis, etc.

Visit to the gynecologist recently is a must for girls. A medical examination at the specialist is more preventive in nature and is conducted without the use of observation instruments, through a visual identification of possible developmental abnormalities of the genital organs.

The ophthalmologist determines the child's visual acuity and detects possible pathologies, giving recommendations for the optimal distance from the desks to the chalkboards taking into account the visual characteristics of the student.

The podiatrist will identify violations of the child's posture and possible problems with his musculoskeletal system: flat feet, spinal curvature, etc.

A neurologist explores the features of the nervous system of the student, check reflexes, coordination, muscle tone and psychomotor skills in its reaction to external stimuli.

Otolaryngologist reveals the tendency of the child to diseases of ear, throat, nose, checks his hearing.

The dentist will check the correctness of formation of malocclusion and hyoid ligament, is a common condition of the teeth, reveal the incipient caries.

According to the results of examinations by specialists, the pediatrician may prescribe additional examination by a psychologist, cardiologist, therapist, endocrinologist.