The summer.

Is a beautiful white flower with a delicate, sweet flavor. Its buds resemble the lights that "Shine" all night and "off" with the first rays of the sun.
The same goes for the cloudy weather. To delight you with their blooms, the summer will be pretty long – from July to the first frosts. This flower has several varieties and in nature is a perennial. Its ornamental relative – summer prickly or as it still name, morning glory luniversal, which has the structure of the creeper and reaches a height of three meters.

Recommendations for the gardener:
• Irrigation with warm water;
• Moist fertile soil;
• Regular fertilization.
Mattiola or night violet.

You will be charmed by tenderness and a beautiful view of this flower. This violet night long since it was customary to plant about terraces, benches and gazebos where you can enjoy its sweet aroma. Blooming only in the night time, mattiola gives not only a wonderful fragrance, but also pleasing to the eye, after all, varies in colour from pale pink to bright purple. Night violet begins to bloom in July and makes the frost to -7°C.

Recommendations for the gardener:
• Fertilized soil;
• - Drained soil;
• A Sunny place;
Sowing in early spring in a permanent place.
Evening primrose Missouri.

Seeing once is an unforgettable sight, you will not be able to resist in order not to put such an amazing flower in my garden. Opening night, the evening primrose flower is reminiscent of a candle, hence the second name, which is known in the people "night candle". A large number of buds like magic dissolved within three seconds, the sun fills the garden and a pleasant aroma. Evening primrose has yellow flowers that reach 7 cm in diameter and resemble a small saucer. In those days, when there is no sun, the flowering lasts all day, and if you plant it in the shade, even in Sunny weather, you can admire this plant.

Recommendations for the gardener:
Sowing in early spring;
• Open-drained soil;
• Watering in dry weather;
• Mineral fertilizers;
• An open Sunny place.