Henna painting

Natural henna — a dye that can be purchased at almost any hardware store. So as not to cause skin irritation, pay attention to the composition of the dye powder, namely, the lack of artificial dyes.

Henna tattoo is easy to do at home on a ready-made stencil or your own sketch. Before applying the pattern you want to remove hair from that area you want to decorate. You should also degrease the skin with alcohol or containing tonic.

Image lasts up to three months, evenly without losing the color intensity. If your boss does not approve of such means of self-expression, select the location for the tattoo that is easy to hide under clothing.

Airbrush and body art

In seaside resorts often offer to make a temporary tattoo with special paints for the body. They usually have a hypoallergenic composition, but before the procedure it is advisable to test them on an inconspicuous area of the body.

Such tattoo is applied with a special spray gun stencils. If you are using different colors you can achieve amazing transition effects or similarities with this tattoo.

The main advantage of airbrush makeup for office workers — its fragility. The picture washed away during the week, but you will be able to show off at the beach and impress everyone with your refined taste.

Shiny ornament

These tattoos are popular with girls. For application use a special bioadhesive has been and brilliant powder or crystals. The adhesive is applied on the stencil, then sprinkle glitter or lay out the pattern of crystals. The drawing will last up to two weeks, if you apply it on the exposed body part and promptly corrected. This solution is suitable not only for beaches but also for the party, because after the holiday ornament is easy to remove.

Decals image

Pictures of perevodilki do not have to remain in childhood: specialized stores sell kits that these temporary tattoos are made in a variety of designs to suit every taste. They allow you safely and cheaply to decorate the body before a short vacation. For three days the tattoo will disappear, and if you need to remove it before you can use the alcohol. Decals also allow the original to decorate the body of the sun tattoo that will stay with you after sun.


Fashion is gradually becoming another method of Express-tattoos — impression. Use rubber stamps and non-toxic paint for airbrushing the body. This pattern will not last more than a week. For emergency removal will require a special solution, the composition of which depends on the chosen paint.