Among the most popular drugs that help reduce and normalize blood pressure, "Aspirin", "Lozap", "Lozap+", "Nifedipine", "Captopril", "enalapril", "Enix", "Enap", "Indapamide"... Well, the list goes on and on.
Typically, all medications for hypertension belong to several groups. Among them diuretici, beta-blockers, vasodilators. Thiazide diuretics – diuretics that due to the urine quickly lower the pressure. Among such means not take "Indapamide" and a group of similar drugs. "Indapamide" lowers blood pressure, but does not change cholesterol, insulin and sugar in blood plasma, has vasodilating properties. Analogs indapamide is a medication "Arifon Retard" - original indapamide produced in France, "Indal" made in the Czech Republic (Prague) and Russian "Akripamid".
Beta blockers calm the heart, thereby reducing blood pressure. The drugs in this group include "Inderal" (Propranolol), "Atenolol", "Bisoprolol", "Succinate", "Metoprolol (vasocardin)", "Nadolol", "Level", "Carvedilol", "Nebivolol" and others.
Vasodilators reduce heart rate, which is especially important in tachycardia and increased arterial. This group includes "Verapamil", which is also known as "Isoptin", "Diltiazem" or Kardil.
Quick effect of lowering blood pressure is achieved during the reception of blockers of receptors for angiotensin (ARBS). They compared with other hypotensive means much less contraindications and high results in the treatment of hypertension even in single dose per day. BORON also called sortname, including the "Losartan", "Candesartan", "Telmisartan", "Eprosartan". Active in the treatment of hypertension used calcium channel blockers (CCB), among which the most famous "Nifedipin", "Cardizem", "Norwex", "Diltiazem", "Amlodipine" and others.
Quickly reduce the pressure and prevent the development on the background of hypertension complications kidney and heart drugs group AIPF (angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors). Among these, the most frequently used "Bonnet", "Captopril", "Nifedipine", "lisinopril", "enalapril", "Enap" and others. But the downside of these drugs is that they do not act immediately, as they have a cumulative effect. That is, they should be used only in combination therapy.
Given such a variety of antihypertensive drugs, it is worth Recalling that in no case be self-medicate. If you have high blood pressure, do consult your doctor who will conduct the necessary studies, tests and find the cause of hypertension and will prescribe suitable treatment, will select the individual plan medication.