You will need
  • - brush,
  • film,
  • - spatula,
  • - rubber gloves
  • - protective eyewear
  • - metal brush
  • - the knife
  • - sanding paper of different grit,
  • - sander,
  • - container of water
  • a few sponges or rags
Use the remover (special formula) is a traditional way to remove old varnish from wooden parts of the objects. Unlikely to wash away the coating in one go, so tune in to quite a long process. Liberally apply the remover onto the surface and spread it evenly with a brush.
To wash not dried up ahead of time, cover the workpiece film or polyethylene. In a day remove the remover with a spatula, separating the nail from the tree. First try to separate a wash and Polish in any one place. If the coating fades, not completely, apply the remover again on the day. If you want to process embossed details, use a soft wire brush or knife blade.
Removing the remover and the coating, rinse the piece in warm water to completely remove all the chemical components of paint removers. Then leave the product to dry (at least a day).
Remove the Polish by using firing only prevent charring of the product. Soften the layer of varnish with a blowtorch or air dryer technical. Heat small areas until, until melted coating.
Work with two hands: one with a Hairdryer or a blowtorch, the other spatula, which scrape the softened varnish. As soon as the coating starts to bubble go to smoke, stop heating to avoid charring.
The old coating can be removed mechanically, by using abrasive paper or scrappers, but be careful not to damage the wooden itself. If the paint is leaving the tree layers, remove it by scraping and wire brushing, and at awkward angles – blade putty knife or large screwdriver.
Old varnish can also be removed using the eccentric sander and coarse sanding paper. In this case, wear protective mask, since the grinding machine produces a lot of dust. Processed detail coarse sandpaper (grain 80 to 120), go to the paper with a 180 grit.
Remove the lacquer and the "wet" method: soak the item with a wet sponge and sand it with grit 80 and 120, periodically moistening the treated place. It does not produce dust, and varnish from wet friction turns into a thick mass, which is easy to remove.
Processed detail is carefully wipe with a damp sponge after drying again to go over the surface with fine emery paper. After that, the item is ready for further processing.