Where to go

In order to apply for disability, you first need to go to your doctor-the therapist, who will give you a referral for examination – MSE (Mediko-social examination). In order for your therapist recognized the need for such expertise will have to tell him not only about the nature of your illness, the causes and the timing of its appearance, but also about how the disease affects your life and health. The more detailed you describe all the problems that arise because of your illness, the higher the chance of recognizing you disabled. Make sure that the therapist has made the appropriate entries in your medical card. Having received the direction of the survey, go to the hospital and follow all the instructions of the doctors, proving to them that you really are unable to lead a full life. The decision on recognizing you as a disabled person will make Medical and social expert Commission (msec).

What are the documents needed

The registration of disability may be delayed for several months. Not to drag this on even longer, maximize be careful in collecting the necessary documents. In addition to a passport, you will need a photocopy of the photo page, page with registration, and pages with information about the marriage. From the medical documents necessary outpatient records, discharge from hospitals, if any. If you are injured at work, you will need the act of industrial injury, form N–1 or occupational illness. You also ask a copy of the work record card certified in the place of your employment and characteristics of employment. In any case, take proof of income, it can also require.

Always bring a full package of documents for ITU, including the direction of the survey.

What should be the result

If you managed to prove to the Commission that your life is subject to many restrictions in connection with the unsatisfactory state of health, you will be declared invalid and will generate supporting documents. This certificate of disability and the IRP (individual rehabilitation program).

To get you all the required benefits, you will need to go to the Department of social protection of your area and place relevant documents. Also you will need to visit the pension Fund, where you will draw a disability pension.