The blood of newborns
After the delivery the midwife tying the navel of the newborn, making a small indentation and creating the shape of the navel. The tail of the umbilical cord when it withers and in its place formed a hole.
In the first months after birth, careful monitoring of the child. As a result of injury, improper handling of a child or excessive activity of the baby stomach can come loose, causing bleeding and greatly increase the risk of infection. Fall infection can become dangerous for the child's body and lead to the development of serious inflammatory processes. You must carefully conduct the hygiene of the navel, to treat the umbilical area with hydrogen peroxide. Also if in the abdomen are observed inflammation, you must consult a neonatologist.
If the blood from the navel of the newborn is a few days, it is also necessary to visit a specialist. Bleeding can be due to granuloma, which needs urgent treatment.
Blood in adults
As in children, in adults the blood from the stomach can go down due to injury. In this case, you must also disinfect the umbilical area to avoid infection. Preferably dopolnitelno apply a sterile dressing.
After piercing the navel piercings also there is a high probability of the appearance of blood. The profusion of bleeding may vary depending on the quality of the metal and the puncture. The blood can be released if the person who carried out the operation, slashed the umbilical vessel walls.
Bleeding from the navel is possible, and at severe stage of endometriosis. The blood may appear in the premenstrual period. Sometimes the allocation arise during menstruation. Bleeding can occur even several days after the end of menstruation. If you notice such symptoms should immediately consult a gynecologist.
In rare cases, cause bleeding become fistula. Acquired fistulas occur due to the formation of an abscess in the umbilical region. A characteristic feature is pus mixed with blood. Fistulas are often associated with infringement of an umbilical hernia.
Another illness that can cause bleeding, is omphalitis, which is an inflammation arising in the umbilical recess. The disease has many degrees, which are caused by various germs and infections. Along with the blood discharge starts pus and bubbles smelling gas. After that the disease becomes a form of periarteritis or periflebit. There is an infection of the blood vessels, which also leads to deterioration and even greater discharge of blood from the navel. If untreated, the disease passes into the stage of peritonitis and can result in death.