Hair protects the body from infection and internal contamination on the skin, and also helps to maintain the body's natural temperature. However, fashion trends and social factors suggests that smooth body is beautiful. Modern achievements of cosmetology, fortunately, make the process of removal of unwanted body hair is simple and practically painless. Ways to remove hair a lot. The one you choose depends on budget and time that you want to spend on a solution to this problem. It is also necessary to consider that any procedure has a temporary effect or needs to re-hold.


Shaving is the easiest and cheapest way to get rid of unwanted hair. However, it can be recommended only for hair removal directly on buttocks as shaving the hair between the buttocks, especially women, can be problematic. The skin in these areas is delicate and sensitive, and has the potential to cause severe irritation. Moreover, the effect of shaving is very short, after all, your unwanted hairs will reappear after a few days. If you decide to shave, don't do it blindly: use a mirror for best results.

Depilatory cream is not suitable for the buttocks area. Aggressive chemicals affect the skin, so you need to avoid falling cream on the anus.


Waxing quickly and effectively removes all hair in the intimate area. To use the wax at home, but it is better to seek help from professionals. Aesthetician quickly and painlessly removes the vegetation from the buttocks and between them, using a professional wax. Hair removed from the root and reappear in about a month.

Electrolytic method

If the hair on the buttocks grow extensively and give you discomfort, you can use the uninstall procedure with the help of electric current. To do this, with the help of thin needles, each hair follicle is burned by electric discharge. In place of the treatment the hair will never grow. Although, you may need to repeat the treatment, because in the skin there are dormant hair follicles which can Wake up one day. Electrolytic method is expensive and time-consuming procedure, but its effect is superior to shaving and waxing.

It is important to remember that thin light hairs after any form of hair removal can start to grow rapidly and acquire a darker color.

Laser hair removal

In laser hair removal, as with electric, the specialist affects the hair follicle. The laser beam burns the hair without damaging the skin. To solve the problem of hair growth may require several treatments.