Day-old Chicks broilers

Buy day-old Chicks, broiler on the nearest farm, where a bulk sale of young animals. Please find out in advance which day will sell chickens. Before the trip, prepare everything you need to deliver all the livestock in one piece.

To bring chickens from the poultry farm in cardboard boxes lined with sawdust or straw. In one box you can put 15-20 goals.

Remember, a broiler is a chicken bred interbreed crossing. To get your own chickens from eggs so the chicken is no longer possible. So for a quick meat fattening rationally annually to purchase poultry at local poultry farm.

Day-old Chicks laying hens

Day-old Chicks laying hens you can buy not only the poultry, but the market, where they sell farm animals, cats, birds, dogs. When buying ask what breed day-old Chicks. For example breed Australorp shows not only good egg production. Such chickens can obtain high-quality meat. Also nice proven hens breed Amroks, Welsummer, Orel, Prat, Kuchinsky anniversary, Plimutrok.

How to prevent loss of cubs

Keep all livestock day old Chicks is possible by observing certain rules. First, take care of the placement of day-old Chicks in a room with a temperature below 28 degrees. Eliminate drafts. At night divide the number of day old Chicks in separate boxes.

Pay special attention to feeding. For day-old Chicks as food you can use cool boiled chopped egg. After 24 hours, add in the diet or millet porridge. After seven days, gradually add the cheese, chopped herbs.