Normal behavior

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Each species of aquarium fish has unique habits and behavior. Seen on the bottom of the aquarium catfish, for example, is unlikely to cause concern to its owner. These fish most of the time in shelters, unable to burrow in gravel and simply look at the bottom of your home.
The reason that fish lying on the bottom of the aquarium can be wound. Try to carefully inspect her body. The fish it is best to transplant into a separate container and provide it with maximum care.

The loach and cichlid – fish who like to relax at depth after eating. In addition, these species of aquarium inhabitants are very inquisitive, so the gravel for them – exciting environment that is necessary to explore and study.

Most species of fish during the day prefer to stay just at the bottom of the aquarium. If you sharply turned on the light and saw the commonplace dream fish, then the cause for concern is not to look.

In addition, when transplanting to a new aquarium fish can also quite a long time to hold on the bottom. Addiction happens gradually, so I should prepare for the fact that even active creatures may be frightened to pull over to the gravel.
One of the most common causes of a mass congestion of fish on the bottom of the aquarium is overeating. Study additional information about feeding, and if necessary, consult with experts.

The condition of the aquarium

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If the fish that live in your aquarium, no different benthic lifestyle, but always falls in the lower part of the container, special attention should be paid to water conditions and efficiency of equipment for its cleaning. Likely that the cause of the deterioration of water quality are of failure or incorrect settings of cleaners and heaters.

The temperature in the aquarium should not exceed 25 degrees. Otherwise, the fish will be cooled at the bottom. If the water is too cold, the inhabitants of the aquarium can experience discomfort in the form of fatigue. To be on the surface of the water or to move around the perimeter of the aquarium, they just can not physically.

The behavior of the fish

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The disease fish, often lying on the bottom can be identified by many symptoms. Try as you closely observe their behavior.

If the fish rubbing against gravel, side or stomach, this can be considered as the first sign of their disease. Stationary behavior of an active resident of the aquarium may indicate his imminent death. In the presence of such symptoms fish it is necessary to isolate from the main group and try to cure additional supplements to the basic diet.

Dysfunction of the swim bladder – the most common cause of a sharp deterioration in the condition of the fish. To swim with this disease it is very difficult, which leads to a constant presence on the bottom of the aquarium.