You will need
  • aquarium;
  • food;
  • - fluorescent lamp;
  • filter;
  • - pebbles or coarse sand;
  • plants.
Special maintenance is required only when breeding of breeding fish species. For purebred guppies you will need an aquarium that holds at least 50 liters of water. You need to care also about the level of acidity of water (pH about 7). For common types of guppies, it is sufficient to draw water from the tap and stand during the day (you can skip through a household filter). The optimum water temperature – 24C, if the temperature is below -18 ºc, then it is likely that the guppies will pick up the disease. High temperature leads to reduction of the life cycle and the degeneration of individuals.
On the bottom of the aquarium, pour small pebbles or coarse river sand, place a few bushes undemanding plants, which like to hide fish. Guppies are very active aquarium fish that can jump out of the water. So it is recommended that the height of the rim at least 7 inches above the water level, close the container lid. Combine lighting with sunlight and artificial lighting during the day. Thoroughbred types of guppy requires the installation of special devices for aeration and water filtration.
Feeding guppies is an important point in maintenance of fish. It is impossible to give individuals too much feed, as this leads to its deposition on the bottom, from which the water quickly deteriorates. Adult guppies need to be fed once a day, in small portions and at a certain time. Fish grow well from the live feed, so you should give them bloodworms, Daphnia, rotifers, and mosquito larvae. To maintain the brightness of the color of guppy will allow modern feed additive containing vitamins and minerals. Once a week you need to arrange guppies fasting day.
Breeding guppies takes place without creating special conditions. Females and males acquire the ability to proliferate at the age of four months. The shape of the abdomen female, you can determine the approach of childbirth (the abdomen becomes angular shape). Put the female in a separate container. When the light will fry, guppies can be returned to a common tank. The fry should be kept for some time separately, until they're old enough, because guppies eat their own babies.
Once a week you need to clean the aquarium. It is advisable to remove uneaten food and replace the third part of the fresh water. The added water must be of the same hardness and temperature and the main. The life expectancy of guppies averages three years. For disease prevention guppies need to add aquarium salt (teaspoon per 10 liters of water). Remember that cleanliness is the key to health, so cleaning of the aquarium is an indispensable condition of contents guppy.