Wash hair at the salon is called pickling. This procedure involves the use of professional products to lighten dyed hair. As a rule, with delaperouze you can make the curls lighter on the four tones.

Pickling – what is it?

The use of washes is required in some cases. For example, if the color after staining does not coincide with the desired shade. Getting unexpected colors is possible with the use of paint low quality fakes. Pickling need after hair coloring henna or Basma, including colorless. Remover can be used after Perm hair.
After decamerone hair to acquire a yellowish or reddish hue, so the stylists suggest to dye or tint locks immediately after washing.

Cabin paint remover helps you to quickly change the shade of hair, but for one procedure it is possible to achieve the correction of curls only a few shades. If you need more exposure to compounds on the hair, you will have to repeat the procedure of decamerone. But to do a wash again can be, after waiting at least two weeks.

The details of the paint removers

When you run the paint removers you need to remember that after the procedure, you will need to treat the hair, strengthening their masks, nourishing balms. To quickly restore hair after decamerone will help and the vitamins. It should also be noted the high cost of washes – one treatment can cost from 2,000 rubles and more.

It is noteworthy that the use of drugs to decamerone can at home. In order not to hurt the hair, better to go to a famous salon. Thus it is necessary to choose only professional brands for holding paint removers. Modern formulations do not contain ammonia, pigment removed from the hair gently and without discoloration. A delicate wash can be used repeatedly, with breaks between treatments.
After washing you must wait at least one hour before starting the staining procedure.

When using washes for the hair you need to start to test for an allergic reaction, as well as strictly follow the instructions. Before pickling to wash the head is not necessary, it is desirable to distribute a solution just for the painted areas. There is a deep and surface water used for levelling tone of hair or minor adjustments of color.