You will need
  • - gloves;
  • - garden tools.
Start to remove the shoots 3 weeks after planting tomatoes in the ground or greenhouse. If you want to get smaller tomatoes, leave two of the earliest stepson and 20-25 days you will be able to reap the first fruits. With this method of cultivation often spend feeding the plants, providing nutrients in sufficient quantity. To tomatoes ripened earlier and were larger, remove all shoots on the plant.
Remove the shoots as soon as they appear, not allowing them to grow and get nutrients needed ovaries and fruits. It is best to remove the shoots with a length of 2-3 cm, so you will cause the least harm to the main plant.
Villevaude shoots in one motion, holding the main plant with your free hand. Leave a small stump from a stepson. This will avoid recurrence of their growth from the same sinus. Do not pull on the stepson, pulling it from the plant, it can damage the trunk or root system. Do not use to pinching of a knife or scissors. When pruning the remaining stump dries up frequently, and the stepson appears at the same place. Also when cropping may occur rotting of the hemp, then threatened the whole plant is tomato.
Make the deletion in the dry Sunny weather to stumps immediately dried up and the wounds on them faster delayed. This will help to avoid Contracting the disease and loss of juice plants. Check for new laterals every 6-7 days. Remove immediately after the discovery of not allowing to grow.
When growing tomatoes in two guns, leave the first stepson and presidnete the tip of the main plant. When the stepson of length 20-25 cm, also presidnete its upper part.