You can buy tomatoes in the store, but if you have your plot, it's best to grow them there. Of course, freshly harvested fruits will be able to eat only in late summer – early autumn. But in taste and aroma cannot compare to purchase.

Agricultural cultivation of tomato

To eat tomatoes from the garden, you need time to put that culture and to look after it correctly. First grow seedlings. To do this, sow seeds in a container with soil 2-3 months before planting seedlings to a permanent place.

Care simple. You need to water the bushes as the drying of the soil, to feed, to tie and pasynkovat them. Last is necessary, otherwise the shoots will pull nutrients and yield will be reduced.

Another reason to do it is that stepchildren shade plant, and it receives little light. And the third is the risk of disease Bush tomato blight. Experienced gardeners know how dangerous it is a viral disease, the entire emerging crop on the Bush to nullify.

Late blight sometimes appears from the middle of July, if it is cold rainy weather. It is the humidity is the main source of its spread, a favorable environment for reproduction pathogenic spores.

If the time to remove the shoots, to significantly reduce the glaze to cover the bushes at night with a film, it is possible to prevent or not to allow the spread of late blight on all tomato plants.

Stepchild is part of the tomato Bush, which grows from the axils of the leaves. One plant can have 20, so you need to remove them in time when they started to grow.

How to remove stepchildren

Before you start to remove side shoots of tomatoes, you need to prepare everything you need:

- a container of water;
- potassium permanganate;
- sharp scissors.

Some gardeners suggest just to break stepchildren in the morning. But this often leads to damage of the parent plant, because with this process you can accidentally tear the piece of skin from the plant itself or even to break it.

Enough two liters of water, in which dissolve a few crystals of potassium permanganate. The solution should be pink. Cut a stepson, leaving a "stump" in a 1 centimeter, well as remove all on this Bush. After processed one plant shears disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate and move on to the next. Similarly process all the bushes.

You can tear off the very young shoots with fingernail, but the fingers will be difficult to clean. And if you already have some hive spores of Phytophthora, it is possible to infect others. This method is feasible at the beginning of growth of bushes of tomatoes. Since the beginning of July, you should use more reliable with the use of potassium permanganate and scissors.