Most moms prefer conventional electronic thermometers. It is convenient to use and safe. It can be used to measure the temperature in three ways: under the arm, mouth, and rectum. So, if you are going to measure the temperature under the mouse, undress the child, it is necessary to ensure that the thermometer is in direct contact with the skin of the baby, not the clothes. Next, put the thermometer under his arm and wait the required time - usually in electronic thermometers at the end of the measurement sound signal. The hand of the baby must be held below the thermometer was tightly pressed to the body.
To measure temperature in the mouth crumbs, soak a bit of time after he would eat or drink some kind of liquid. Put the tip of the thermometer into the child's mouth so that he was under the tongue, and the baby's mouth was closed. It is best to make the baby breathe through the nose, not the mouth. Pull out the thermometer should be the same after the beep. Ensure that the child behaved calmly, because if he abruptly starts to move, you can damage the mucous membranes of the skin mouth.
Measuring the temperature in the rectum give the most accurate results. Take the thermometer and lubricate the tip with vaseline or baby oil, put baby on the side, the kid needs to keep calm, otherwise the measurement will not be objective. Insert the thermometer into the anus, and enter to a depth of 1.5-2 cm, hold the thermometer the required time. In any case, do not try to manipulate it, if the baby is crying heavily, or clamped to resist, it is not recommended to measure temperature in this way a sleeping baby. In newborn babies the intestinal wall is very thin, so be extremely careful.
The same measurement can be made on the crook of the elbow or knees. This should be done by analogy with the measurement of temperature under the mouse. If the result of the measurement above 38 degrees, call your doctor, and give antipyretics. It is not excluded that in infants with neurological problems, elevated temperature can have seizures, be careful.