You will need
  • - special preparations containing selenium, sulfur, zinc, tar;
  • - special pharmacy dandruff shampoos;
  • - chicken eggs;
  • - linseed or olive oil;
  • - the peel of lemons;
  • - nettle.
If you notice dandruff, try to change the shampoo. If that fails, buy in a pharmacy special preparations containing selenium, sulfur, zinc, tar. They are struggling with the fungus, causing severe flaking of the skin.
At the pharmacy you can also buy the following shampoos for dandruff: Сhloroxine-shampoo, Capitrol, Pentrax, Tegrin, Denorex, Neutrogena T / GEL, Ketoconazole, Nizoral, shampoo FS, Xolegel, Kuric, Sebulex, Extina, acetonide-fluocinolone shampoo, Sebex, salicylic gray-shampoo.
Brush your hair only a wooden comb. Head wash not hot, but warm water and avoid drying hair dryer.
Do a hydrating mask. 2 fresh eggs, mix with 2 tablespoons of water. Dampen hair with warm water and apply on the head of the egg mixture, carefully massaging the skin for 10-15 minutes. Egg mask is also useful in dry, brittle hair.
Eat more vegetables, fruits, grains, fish. Eat cheese and walnuts.
Every day drink 1 glass of carrot juice, rich in vitamin A. necessary For moisturizing scalp drink mineral water.
At night massage into the scalp pre-heated linseed or olive oil. In the morning wash the hair.
Take the peel of 4 lemons and simmer it for hours. A decoction regularly rinse the head after washing. This tool is able to provide reliable protection from dandruff.
The decoction of nettle is a great remedy for dandruff. Each day, rinse them down, and after a few days the dandruff will no longer bother you.
If you manage to get rid of dandruff, no matter what tools you used, consult a dermatologist, infectious disease doctor and a trichologist.