The skin peeling in the winter there is not surprising: on the one hand, our gentle face blows an icy wind, on the other - dry heating indoors. Not every skin goes through these tests without any loss: often she begins to redden and peel. To accentuate its roughness, and in some cases it can cause improper care: a poorly selected cosmetics, washing with aggressive means violating a protective layer, insufficient hydration. Also peeling of the skin may indicate lack of vitamin A and E, allergies and skin diseases.
If you are faced with the problem of peeling of the skin, you need to carefully take care of her, observing a few rules. First, forget alcohol (ethanol) cosmetics - they will further irritate and dry the skin. Secondly, wash gentle mousses, milk or oil and avoid more aggressive gels and scrubs with zinc and salicylic acid. Third rule - use a nourishing cream morning and evening, and go out only when the cream is fully absorbed (20 minutes later), otherwise it will not protect from frost and wind. Well, if the cream is panthenol, vegetable oils, glycerin - they soften the skin and nourish it. It is also important to apply nourishing face masks: you can buy ready or to make a home. For example, effective are masks based on vegetable oils - almond, apricot kernel, or wheat germ: mix 1 tsp oil with 1 tsp of honey, can add a bit of banana pulp, applied for 20 minutes. Also once a week can make a homemade scrub: grind in a coffee grinder oat flakes soak in milk for five minutes, then massage your skin with this mixture and wash with water.
If you can't get rid of peeling at home, you can go to a beauty salon. Depending on the condition of your skin, the beauty therapist will offer different treatments: exfoliating peeling based on fruit acids, smoothing the skin and removes dead skin scales, a deeply moisturizing mask that fills the skin with moisture and restore its protective barrier, or mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid, normalizing the metabolic processes in the inner and outer layers of the skin.
Those who are periodically faced with the peeling of the skin, dermatologists recommend to drink more mineral still water (1.5 litres a day). And no, she can't replace tea, coffee or sweet drinks. Also, the skin condition may improve regular consumption of foods containing omega-3 fatty acid and vitamin a (olive oil, trout, mackerel, liver, sour cream, cheese), or vitamin complexes and nutritional Supplements for beautiful skin.