You will need
  • card;
  • portraits of travellers;
  • - one or two cabinets with translucent glass doors;
  • - specimens of minerals and rocks;
  • the globe.
Take existing or purchase maps of different scale and size. Small cards can be used as visual AIDS for specific lessons, but the large maps of small scale (physical map of the world, the economic world map, map of the hemispheres) is better to use to design the class. Hang one or two of these cards (physical and economic) on the Board to the images of the continents of the globe were always before the eyes of your students.
Find it in the school storeroom or acquire portraits of outstanding explorers and travelers (printed for registration offices of geography as well as for registration of the offices of literature portraits of outstanding writers and poets). Place five-six of these portraits next to the cards on the Board, on the wall, which during the class facing the students.
Install in the office cabinets or shelves with transparent doors - they can be spread collection of minerals and different rocks. Well, if the collection of minerals, a kind of mini-Museum, will be located at the back of the class behind sitting at their desks students. To consider them will in time change, and lessons on physical geography, a distinct breed can be used as visual AIDS.
Install on the teacher's Desk globe - he will serve as a visual aid, using it will be to conduct surveys and testing of pupils ' knowledge. In the clean room of the offices of the geography , you can usually find several different globes, many of them represented in major stationery stores. The subject of geography allows as much as necessary to vary the registration office - imagination of teachers and students initiative will definitely help.