Learn dmindyou, to compare facts, draw conclusions. Oddly enough, a great benefit could be crossword puzzles, word games, reading detective novels. Reflections on the question "Who's the criminal?" based on the known data and versions, it is highly contributes to the development of analytical capabilities.
Though the story does not recognize the subjunctive, often try to ponder the question: "what would happen if...?". For example, which way went the whole history of the world, if the Russian Consul in Italy proved to be more insightful and try to break a trifling point instructions, taking the service of an unknown Lieutenant of Napoleon Bonaparte in the same office (and not a second Lieutenant, as required by the same instruction)? So many options, that take your breath away.
At the first opportunity join in the discussion, especially on difficult, controversial topics, where there can be a simple clear answer. Indeed, in the course of such disputes are considered a variety of options - here you will have the opportunity to hone skills.
Read more analytical articles on politics, economy, trade. Of course, try to choose a serious of articles written by experienced experts who value their reputation, not a sensation in the tabloid press.
Watch live TV on the same topics, especially if their format implies discussion among the participants. Listen carefully to the arguments, analyze their strengths and weaknesses. Pay special attention to the answers to the difficult, "Zinger" questions. Because to answer them you also need to have an analytical warehouse of the mind.