If you are sick, grab your passport, insurance policy and certificate of pension insurance and go to the doctor. After examination, diagnosis and treatment, the doctor needs to access sick leave of not less than three days and set a date for the next appointment. It is important to remind the doctor that you need this document, so as to give a certificate about the disease with hindsight, the doctor has no right. If sick leave had not been issued in time, the only way to establish that you were sick, it was the inspection of the special medical Commission (WPC), which usually consists of head of Department and other specialists.
If you are not able to come to the clinic, because they feel bad, you have the right to call the local doctor on the house. Open hospital, the doctor may at home, but to close it you will still have to attend the reception.
For help about the disease it is useless to call "Ambulance". The Manager of the ambulance (not the medical team!) can only issue the warning sheet, which you then have to contact the clinic. This document confirms the fact of calling the medical teams, but he has no power normal hospital reference and cannot serve as grounds to skip work or school day.
If the disease is serious and the Ambulance took you to the hospital, list of disability will be executed in the hospital Department upon your request. To declare the need for help immediately, on the day of admission to the hospital, so you do not have to pass the Commission. On the day of discharge the sick list will be closed and it will show the date of return to work.
While receiving sick leave verify that it is correct given your surname, name and patronymic, date of opening and closing the signature of a doctor, his personal seal and the seal of a medical institution. From these data depends on sick pay or the absence of claims at the place of study.