You will need
  • calculator;
  • the sheet of accounting of working time;
  • computer.
If the salary is calculated at a fixed salary, then add to the salary award and a regional coefficient, subtract the tax is 13% and the amount of cash advance. The remaining amount of the grant to the employee. For example, if an employee has a salary of 10 thousand, an advance of 3 thousand, the district factor 10%, and the award is issued in a fixed amount and is equal to 4 thousands, then the calculation will look as follows. 10000 +1000 + 4000 – 1950 – 3000 =10050 rubles, the amount granted to an employee as wages. Of these, salary 10000, 1000 area ratio, 4000 prize, 1950 income tax, 3000 advance.
While not completely waste the month, calculate the average daily wage in a given month. To calculate, divide the salary in the amount of working days. The resulting number, multiply by the days actually worked, add a regional coefficient, subtract the down payment and income tax.
If there are overtime hours, pay them double the amount or provide an extra day off. For overtime hours calculate the cost per hour by dividing the salary by the number of working hours per month. The resulting figure and multiply by the number of overtime hours, add the salary of the district factor, premium, subtract income tax and Deposit.
If there are night hours from 22 to 6, then calculate them separately and add 20%. To calculate also calculate the cost of one hour, multiply the number of night hours, and 20%. Calculate the payment for work on a day separately, all amounts will add up, add area ratio, premium, deduct tax and Deposit.
If you expect a salary in the program 1C, which is done in most enterprises, enter in the appropriate lines all the necessary data and get the original number, which you will pay to the employee as salary.