You will need
  • calculator;
  • the sheet of accounting of working time;
  • - the program "1C payroll and personnel".
If the employeeworked all of the required days for the schedule, charge him a salary using the rate of pay in accordance with hours worked or amount of output. If there is processing, that is, the employee worked more hours than specified in article 91 of the labour code, all revised hours pay at double the rate. When you work from development for all recycled watch charge double the amount of average daily production for the current month (article 152, labour code).
If an employee working on schedule, worked a month is not full, then calculate the average hourly cost of the office hour in the billing period. For the amount of salary divide by the number of hours in the billing period and multiply it by the hours actually worked. Upon payment of the tariff rate, multiply the amount of the tariff for the actual number of hours worked in the month. When working from the generation charge of the actual production in the current period.
For the work in the national holidays spend accrue at double the rate of the amount of the salary, hourly wage rates or production regardless of the fact that in these days the employee worked according to the schedule shift.
If an employee working on a rotating schedule, working on Saturday or Sunday, produce payroll in a single size, since the shift schedule output are those days that are not working for the employee.
Employees working night shifts from 22 hours to 11 hours, charge at least an additional 20% (decree of the Government of the Russian Federation 554). In your internal regulations can be stated that for work in the night are charged a different percentage, but it cannot be below the established 20%.
For overtime, work on weekends and public holidays an employee is entitled to an extra day off. In this case all the clocks of the count processing in single size.