As a rule, in Russia the standard computer keyboard bilingual: the same buttons allow you to print in Russian or English, as they operate under the " Cyrillic and Latin alphabet. Each button is read as two letters: in the right bottom corner is a Cyrillic letter, and in the upper left – Latin. For additional user convenience, the different signs of the alphabet differ in color and brightness.
Please note that punctuation and waterstove signs on the keyboard also are subject to different layouts: some symbols you can use when the keyboard is typing in Russian, others in the transition into English or other Western language (depending on the system settings of the computer). These signs, like letters, are located in different corners of the keys and have different colors.
Most often text documents and Windows default browser is set to English language. That is, opening a document, you start typing in Latin script. If you need Russian alphabet, switch the language layout on your computer. Translate keyboard from English to Russian language in different ways. Note the "task Bar", which is in the bottom row of your computer. Next to the "System three", where the default are clock and other system shortcuts is the "Language bar". It shows which language is activated on your computer. If you see the designation "EN", click with the left mouse button on this icon. "The language bar" will unfold and you will see a line with the image of "EN" is Russian language. Click on this term menu, and the layout of your keyboard will change from English into Russian.
To change the language in which typing keyboard you can use certain keys. Press simultaneously the keys "Shift + Alt" (on some machines valid combination "Shift + Ctrl"), and the layout of your keyboard will change.