You will need
  • Registration, personal passport of the owner of the car, numbers, copies of receipt of payment of the transport fee.
Operation for removal of vehicle from the account in the scrap is held at the place of registration of the vehicle. To remove the car from the account in the scrap, you need to go to the DMV and ask for a statement for recycling in the primary box of paperwork. This statement, after submission of relevant documents on the car is filled with the sample directly in MREO.
If you do not have the state sign on the car need to inform the inspector about the loss of one or two state signs, and then graph the statements made by applicant" and "Gosznak (and)" you should see the entry "lost."
On the reverse side of the application you write an explanatory text similar to the following: "I, Kowalski, Ivan Petrovich, lost registration plates under unknown to me circumstances." There you write that the search yielded no results, and what about the responsibility for false information, you have been warned.
If there are no documents for the car experts, garages themselves are being checked to its database about the owner, and subject to any and all violations of the law.
In MREO refuses to withdrawal from the account in case the car is seized or the vehicle is material evidence in a criminal case. A similar situation is possible, if it is discovered that the owner changed the body or engine on other units, not filling out properly this change in MREO.