You will need
  • - ice;
  • iron spoon, or a copper coin;
  • - heating pad or a hot potato;
  • - a special ointment for the treatment of a bruise.
Immediately after the injury apply to the point of impact the ice. When cold, the vessels are compressed, decreasing the flow of blood, and the bruise will not be as intense and will take up less space. Wrap ice in a towel or handkerchief and keep fifteen minutes at the place of injury, then stop for two hours. Too long to keep the ice also impossible not to amorosity the skin.
If ice is not at hand, soak the cloth in cold water, wring and apply to injury. From the skin is quickly warmed, so change it often, steeping in water.
You can apply a metallic object such as a spoon or, even better, a copper coin, if you're not around no ice, no water, to prevent the formation of a large hematoma.
A day after the shock is necessary on the contrary – preheat the hematoma. Heat promotes vasodilation and blood flow. This leads to the fact that the bruise will soon "disappear". Attach to the sore spot hot water bottle, hot sand in a rag bag, or boiled hot potato (wrap it in a cloth so as not to burn). Warm up the bruise three times a day for twenty minutes, and the blue will gradually come down.
You always want to quickly get rid of a bruise on the face, because with such a "decoration" will not work either on the work or on the street, especially women. Now on sale there are a variety of creams that help the bruise go faster. Are very good creams with concoctions, a plant that has long been widely used in cosmetics and helps with bruises.
Pharmacies sell vitamin K cream bruises. You need to RUB this cream into the area of the bruise twice a day until the hematoma is less.
Also helps to get rid of unpleasant consequences of the attack products that contain Arnica. Arnica should be taken as a homeopathic remedy or applied to the bruise as a compress, only do not RUB the skin – can cause irritation.
Modern tools from injuries are tinted. This helps to disguise the trail of a stroke. When the bruise turns yellow, you can hide and tone cream, best yellow tint.