You will need
  • - original article;
  • - text editor;
Before you put an article in the list of references, check her link in the text of the paper. Remember that in the list of references you can make only those sources to which you refer in the text.
First, in the link specify the list of authors, names and initials. If you create an article was involved up to three authors, it is possible to list them all. If there were more than three, after the first write "etc.". This also applies to articles of foreign authors, "etc." in this case is replaced by the Latin et al. It is believed that this expression should be in italics, but allowed no release.
Then write the full name of the article. Be careful, follow the spelling and punctuation of the author. If at the end of the article title is a question mark or exclamation mark, it needs to be put down and in the bibliographic description. Otherwise no sign is placed. After the title of the article place two slashes (//).
Indicate in which journal was this article published. In this part of the bibliographic description standard abbreviations are allowed.
This is followed by the year of issue.
Specify the volume number (if any) and the issue number of the journal.
Optionally, you can specify the page numbers on which the journal is this article.
Examples of articles from journals in the reference list:
Z. Lei et al. Culture and neural differentiation of rat bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells in vitro // Cell Biology International. - 2007. - V. 31. - P. 916-923.
Viktorov I. V. Stem cells of mammalian brain: biology of stem cells in vivo and in vitro // proceedings of the Academy of Sciences. A series of biological.- 2001.- No. 6.- C. 646-655.