Do not try to master the material in a short period of time. The fact information bad other exact Sciences. So you just mix up all the definitions and create a chaos in his mind. Try to master not more than one section a day so you will be able not only to learn chemistrybut to understand it. This is important because what is not for us to sense very quickly "disappears" out of your head.
Periodically repeat what has already passed, it will be a good exercise for the memory. You can sometimes even repeat out loud, even more to fix learned.
Try to solve the problem. They develop the ability to analyze. The fact that many of the concepts in chemistry can be derived from previously traversed. For example, substance names come from their structure, i.e. no need to cram every "formula name". And many chemical properties are based on the template: interaction with metals, nonmetals, acids, alkalis, each other, etc. Learning to put all "on the shelves", you will draw the right conclusions, i.e. part of the material will be perceived and remembered.
Create a detailed plan of each section. When you do, you will be able to draw an analogy between them. General formula, structure, application, preparation, physical and chemical properties - like the description of most compounds. Of course, much depends on what chemicals you want to learn: inorganic, organic, physical, analytical, colloid, etc. But any of these disciplines lends itself to logical thinking. So, it is possible to resort to the algorithm that can be used as a cheat sheet to podglyadyvanie if you forgot some item.
Try your hand as a teacher. Someone from home, tell what you have learned. Explain sensibly, slowly. If you understand, then we can assume that you have achieved success.