Go to the website of the Consulate or visa application centre where you submitted your documents. Find the link in the information section, in which you can track the status of my visa. The search can be processed in the Consulate or in a single database, with data entry documents to the country you need around the world.
You will be prompted to the identifier provided by the service to your Consulate or visa application centre. It can be your passport, or adding thereto the name and surname of the owner. Be careful as often they need to be entered with Latin letters. As an ID you can use the code stamped on the receipt of admission documents. Some visa centers will use this purpose code of the receipt that you paid the visa fee. Please note that the username and password you can use are the same as those set for registration when filling in the network of visa application.
If the Consulate or visa application centre is ready to provide you with information in person, over the phone, you'll find his number on the website of the consular post or the visa application centre. These phones are accompanied by instructions on how you should present yourself. Maybe I need to call a certain identification code.
Examine the document issued by the Consulate or visa application center after you have passed the package on a visa. There can be specified a special phone number where you can ask about visa availability.
The easiest way: come to the Consulate on that day, when the visa must already be ready. In many consulates a list of ready visas employees hang on the front door or on a plaque placed next to her. Look for his name. Such lists are compiled in alphabetical order or form and the date of visa application processing.