Second, often catching crabs for fun. Torturing the animal and then left abandoned in the sand. Agree, this is not humane.
If you still want to catch crab, to be honest to eat its prey, then find out from the fishermen or local residents where there are concentrations of crabs. And then choose the appropriate method.
Find out where there might be crabs. Most often it is a quiet place, away from concentrations of people. Take a snorkel, mask and fins and dive. Inspect the bottom, looking under stones, where often hide crabs. Be careful. Don't forget to take a pair of strong gloves so that the animal does not hurt you defensively. From the claws of the crab are easily affected and a plastic bag. Therefore, for production use the grid rim.
Method is suitable for catching crabs from a boat or pier. Krabolovy is very simple: rim Assembly in mesh (it should dangle from it). They need to tightly bind the bait: meat, fish, etc. and drop to the bottom. After some time (20 minutes) raise crablouse and collect loot that will be drawn at the bottom of the grid. By the way, so you can fish and crayfish.
Here your catch will depend on one thing: to appear in the right place at the right time. The odds rapidly increase if just to catch that moment, when the crab crawls out of the water. This usually occurs in the evening or early morning when the weather is calm and no waves. Plays a role and time of year.
When you decide on a time, think if I can catch crab in the literal sense of the word "bare hands". If the animal is outdoors, it is possible to do so: one hand drive in front of the eyes of the crab (it will spread the claws for a meeting "forward", and a different one for him, and thus to catch.
For fishing, you can also use the wand. With the lure (to get the crab out of stones). Vacationers also tell you about special gear for catching crab. They are all the same stick, but with a kind of claws that must be the crab. Crustaceans engages with them and fall into the trap.