Who can help us better than ourselves? The most effective measure to prevent disease is prevention. For the prevention of eye diseases need to use special exercises for the eyes, which strengthens the structure of the eye and improves vision. Here are some exercises to increase sharpness of vision:walkamin Rope with a rope length of 2 meters tie 10 knots. The distance between adjacent knots should be 15 inches. Attach one end of the rope to the wall slightly below eye level wrap the other end around the index finger and brought it to the tip of the nose. Move the eye from the knot-the knot from the 1st to the 5th from the 10th to the 5th, from 1 St to 10 th. Then proceed in reverse order. Repeat this exercise for 20 minutes.
Turns korpusnoy put on width of shoulders, relax your knees. Turn your body from side to side, keeping your back straight. Eyes look straight ahead, don't try to see anything. Turn around slowly, relax your neck, shoulders and lower back. Repeat the twists for 5 minutes.
Rotation halowaypoint you can do sitting down. Lower your chin to your chest, take a deep breath and tilt my head to the side and backwards in a circle. On exhalation, continue rotation to the other shoulder and lower your chin to your chest. Repeat the exercise 6 times to the left, and after a moment's relaxation of muscles 6 times to the right.
Massage the eye three balsaminaceae eyes and place the fingers in the following way: big – behind the ear, the index finger lies on his temple, nameless – cheek, middle finger of each hand touches only the inner surface of the outer corner of the orbit. On the inhale press down on the corners of both eye sockets simultaneously, exhale, relax. Repeat the massage 5 times within a minute.
Massage five balzaminova five fingers of each hand together and bring them to your closed eyes. Massage both eyes, barely touching them with your fingers, from side to side for a minute.
Massage occipital coccydynia not very strong on the acupressure points located in the neck at the base of the skull, the finger or thumbs for a minute.