You will need
  • seeds of early maturing cabbage;
  • - drawers;
  • - peat pots;
  • - copper sulphate;
  • - ash;
  • - fertilizer.
Sow cabbage seedlings around the first decade of April in the container with prepared ground and take them outside on the balcony. Seedlings will appear later, but the seedlings won't stretch and is strong enough. If you don't have an attic, put cups with seedlings between frames. But don't forget to open the Windows from the inside.
When the first true leaf, raspakirati seedlings in peat pots. It is desirable to do in plastic drawers as it will be then long to settle down when landing in open ground.
To sprouts cabbage not sick "black night", pour it very weak solution of copper sulphate. But do it not too often, and somewhere in the mid-April start to produce hardened seedlings. Take her for short intervals of time outside, watering with cool water and accustom to the smaller amount of moisture.
In early may dig up the garden and a separate place for cultivation of cabbage. Make a comprehensive fertilizer and make holes. After that, you can plant cabbage in the ground. If there is a threat of frost, cover the young shoots with leaves of burdock or covering material.
To protect against various pests treat cabbage special preparations or conventional wood ashes. Try to do these procedures on time, otherwise the larvae of butterflies will ruin your entire crop.
Pour the cabbage liberally and frequently to achieve productivity gains. Do not forget to fertilize the land, for example, urea or other compound fertilizer.
And in the middle of July you will be able to eat young cabbage, so as by that time she almost Matures. Of course, it can't pluck and a little longer - then the forks reach the larger mass. But look at the over ripeness cabbage begins to crack.