You will need
  • - certificate of complete secondary education;
  • - medical certificate confirming fitness to serve in the firehouse;
  • - a military ID.
With higher education in the specialty "Fire safety". Such specialists are prepared in many universities of the interior Ministry in Russia or the academies of the fire service. The period of training average of 5 years, but 2 years and 10 months to obtain a diploma of secondary special education for this profession. With such higher education in the fire service of EMERCOM of Russia in your city you will be taken without problems.
For admission to universities in the specialty "Fire safety" allowed young men aged 17-25 years who have secondary education. Must have certificates confirming the suitability for service in fire stations for health reasons. Entrance exams are held in 3 subjects: mathematics, Russian language and physical education. If you are planning to pursue higher education, prepare to pass and physics.
Please contact the personnel Department fire Department in your city. In the presence of vacancies and matching candidates to your requirements, you will be taken to the state even in the absence of special education.
Complete training in the training center, established at the MOE town. Here you can obtain the following specialties: firefighter-rescuer, the dispatcher or the driver of fire car.
Will receive a certificate. of completion of courses and the assignment of a particular specialty. By the way, this training center going and existing firefighters for training.