How well-established the reciprocal relationship of the teacher with parents, largely depends on the performance of the educational process. To report the necessary information, share the results achieved, stands are made for parents. The design of the stand is a creative work. How to do it - everyone decides for himself. But keep in mind the important points: the information must be relevant (the data is constantly updated) design, and aesthetic. Try in the design to combine informative material with illustrative.
If stand for parents prepares pre-school teacher, he can make sections such as e.g., "Exhibition of children's works" and "Our life". Place it on the stand children's drawings and crafts, sign. Update the exhibition regularly. Parents will know what the child and be proud of the achievements of the baby. In the section "Our life" you can put photos on the activities carried out or their scripts.
Be sure to put on the stand is important and useful for parents information: phone numbers and addresses of associations, extract from the law on the rights of the child or, for example, the list of documents for obtaining benefits for baby etc. Should also be "Health page". It get the advice of a physician, the vaccination schedule or the date of medical examination. There are making informational materials that promote a healthy lifestyle.
In preschool institution at the booth for parents must necessarily be allocated space for the menu for each day. Into the list entered not only the list of dishes and their weight, ingredients. There you can put information about healthy and wholesome food. Mandatory section "Announcements". Parents should be aware of all planned work with children.
If the stand prepares the teacher for parents of students, along with the above mentioned topics can be informational help, which contains new requirements for the exam or schedule a consultation, as well as the timing of the exam(basic and advanced). Section "Parent meeting" is included as a tutor and teacher. It should be listed the dates and topics scheduled parent meetings. Make also a photo exhibition. It will be interesting to parents and children.