You will need
  • - garlic;
  • - med;
  • - decoction of chamomile.
Curing bacteriosis start with suppression of the microbial flora. Used drugs from the group of penicillins and tetracycline. Antibacterial drugs used for 2 weeks.
Assigned to bacterial drugs. They can be applied without prior antibiotic therapy or immediately after it. These are preparations "Bifidumbacterin", "Baktisubtil", "Linex", "Bificol", "Enteral", etc. the Full course of treatment is quite long and lasts for about 1.5 months.
Curing bacteriosis , affecting the microflora of the products of metabolism of beneficial bacteria. Suitable drug hilak Forte" - it contains lactose, amino acids and lactic acid. All these substances help restore the right biological environment in the gut. "Hilak Forte" is used according to instructions as directed by your physician.
Take regulators of digestion is medications that contain pancreatic enzymes – CREON, "Were". These medications are prescribed to patients with digestive disorders. To improve the function of suction use "Legalon", "Karsil" or "Essentiale" - they stabilize the bowels.
To increase the reactivity of the organism used immunostimulatory drugs Immunal", Dactivit" and others. At the same time appointed vitamins. The course of treatment of 4 weeks.
Necessarily rationally eat to prevent disease.
Curing bacteriosis can popular ways. The morning and evening on an empty stomach, eat a clove of garlic. First, there is a slight burning sensation, but then the stomach will heal and begin to recover the desired microflora. Garlic eat until full recovery.
Helps a glass of warm water with a spoon of honey. Also used on an empty stomach.
Herbs take a spoon chamomile flowers, prepare the decoction and drink half a Cup three times daily directly before food. Chamomile helps to normalize digestion processes.