You will need
    • faceted glass
    • tablespoon
    • liter Bank
    • measuring Cup
In order to measure 100 grams of milk or water for cooking any dish, take regular faceted glass and fill with fluid, a little topping to half. For a more accurate compliance with weight pour 5 ½ tablespoons water and 5 tablespoons of milk.
If you fill 2/3 faceted glass flour or ground nuts, the weight of these products will be approximately 100 grams. To get a more accurate weight by 10 tablespoons flour, 10 tablespoons of chopped nuts.
Poured half a glass of semolina or powdered sugar, you will get 100 grams of this ingredient.
To take 100 grams of sugar, rice or salt, fill the glass a little more than half.
Apple, potato, onion, carrot or tomato of medium size weighs about 100 grams. To obtain 100 grams of eggplant or zucchini, cut the fruit in half medium size.
To take 100 grams of eggs, take two eggs of medium size.
To determine 100 grams of strawberries or raspberries fill a quart jar with these berries, one fifth of the volume. Blueberries, currants or cranberries will weigh the same if it will fill about 6 of the can.
Also learn the weight food help of a special measuring Cup. Usually, this Cup is made of transparent plastic and on its walls contains a scale measuring a variety of liquids, cereals, sugar, salt. Each line signed on the type of product and has a numerical designation for this particular ingredient.
To measure weight in grams using this Cup, place inside it the right amount of cereals, salt, sugar, milk, water etc. Then find the scale to measure the weight of this product, and correlating the tick marks on the walls of the Cup with the level of filling of the container, learn how to fill the Cup to obtain 100 gram of ingredient.