You will need
  • Local phone
So, do you know the address of the person whose phone number you want to find. The procedure is extremely simple: from a landline call free help service 09. The operator reported that you need a phone number for such and such a person living (and registered) at such and such address.
Further, there are two versions of events. Option one: the person you are looking for, do not wish to close your room to search. Then after a few minutes the operator will give you the desired room.
The second variant: the subscriber has closed his room to search. Then the operator freeth phone services will not be able to help you. But this situation is not hopeless. All the same, the operator will advise you to go to a paid service 009 that will connect you with the person you are looking for, without revealing his telephone number.
To be as follows: you call customer service 009. They report the name and address of the subscriber, and your phone and hang up. In a few minutes will call you back and connect you with the apartment, the address that you specified. If you are interested in people of the house, he goes to the telephone and your conversation will be held. If he's not home, you can try to call again later, again through 009. Fee-for-service 009 will be about 30 rubles, and will be included in the bill for using the landline phone, which comes in the beginning of next month.