Reviewed methods of how to increase testosterone in men, the most effective in the complex. Following them, it is possible to achieve not only good health and great success, both in public and in sexual life.

Experts call testosterone the hormone which made a man a man. Testosterone level largely determines the sexual orientation and behavior of men. Sculptural modeling muscles on his broad shoulders, more active than women metabolism, the ability to procreate? This is not a complete list of functions of testosterone in men's body. Men with reduced by 10-12% levels of testosterone, the male sex hormone effeminate, soft, sensitive. Conversely, those who have high levels of testosterone in the blood 10-12% above normal, very aggressive, low sense of self-preservation.

Functions of testosterone

1. The increase in muscle mass
2. Fat burning
3. Activation of metabolism
4. Strengthening bone
5. Protection against cardiovascular and other diseases
6. The provision of secondary sexual characteristics and erection
7. Control of sperm production and their ability to fertilize
8. Maintaining the increased interest in the female sex
9. The extension of youth and increase life expectancy
10. Recharge your cheerfulness and optimism
11. The formation of the male character offensive, active, enterprising, fluent, fearless, reckless, prone to adventures and improvisations.

Symptoms of decreased testosterone levels

1. Decreased libido
2. Erectile dysfunction
3. Decrease the brightness of orgasm
4. Reducing sexual body hair growth
5. The decrease in the volume and density of the testicles
6. Irritability
7. Reduced ability to concentrate
8. The decrease of cognitive functions,memory
9. Depression
10. Insomnia
11. Reduction of "life energy"
12. Reduced muscle mass and strength
13. The increase in the amount of adipose tissue
14. Osteoporosis
15. The lowering of the tone and the thickness of the skin (sagging skin)

So how can you boost testosterone levels, absolutely safe for health?

General rules

1. The first method is more psychological in nature. The case in playing condition, which usually maintained a normal level testosterone hormone. We are talking about the necessity of victories. This option is the fastest way to increase the production of the hormone in the body. It is enough to set ourselves realistic goals and achieve them. You'll soon see that the amount of male Harmon is really increased.

2. Think like a man. To feel like a man, you have to think like a man! What is our purpose, why we are born? Be confident in yourself and in relationships with the opposite sex!

3. Keep yourself in sexy shape. Watch movies with erotic content, buy men's magazines. Regularly attend dance floors, meet with the girls. The more you will have friends, the better. Not worth chasing number of sexual contacts. Even the simple daily interactions with the girls boosts the secretion of testosterone.

4. Think about sex. This may seem a little strange but when you think about sex, you stimulate the workings of testosterone.

5. Equals biorhythms. Put sexy, sporty and employment records, when the testicles are thrown into the blood large quantities of testosterone: 6-8 and 10-14 hours. From 15 to 24 hours, try not to strain the term " hormone "factory" is functioning at low speed. The maximum number of hormone at 7 am, which was the lowest level of the testosterone reaches to 8 PM.

6. Sex in the morning. In addition to burning a few extra calories every morning, you get a surge of testosterone. So us men have one more extra reason to stir up his girlfriend in the morning.

7. Laughter and rest. Cortisol – the main enemy of testosterone. Cortisol blocks testosterone production and increases estrogen levels. Laugh, release stress, and you can be sure that Your testosterone levels will soon increase.

8. A good night's sleep. Sleep longer than 7-8 hours can disrupt your circadian rhythm. So do not be surprised if after many hours of work, visit dirty websites, and club until the morning, your sex drive will begin to break down. Try night for 7-8 hours good sleep. Go to bed no later than 11 PM.

9. Burn extra fat. Fat promotes the secretion of estrogen. Therefore, in men with "beer belly" feminine features (wide hips, narrow shoulders, breast enlargement). If your mass is 30% more than ideal weight, normal production of testosterone can be forgotten.

10. Don't be afraid to sunbathe. The sun is very important for improving testosterone levels. And it's not just the vitamin D, the sun plays a very important role in the functioning and rejuvenation of the human body. This does not mean that you should look as meclomen"=) Just keep in mind that at least occasionally the sun should break through your t-shirt! According to a study conducted by researchers from the Medical University of Graz, Austria, published in the journal "Clinical endocrinology" vitamin D tanning increases testosterone in men. Since vitamin D is produced by the body exposed to the sun's rays, scientists recommend that light-skinned people, at least 15 minutes daily to the sun on hands and face, while people with dark skin may need three times more time. The researchers tested the relationship between vitamin D and testosterone on 2299 men for several months. They found that levels of vitamin D and testosterone levels peaked in the summer months and falling in the winter. They also found that men who had at least 30 ng of vitamin D in every milliliter of blood had the highest levels of circulating testosterone.

11. An excess of estrogen and xenoestrogens. To get rid of excess estrogen, which reduces testosterone production in your body, you can eat more raw cruciferous vegetables, such as lettuce, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, Bok Choy, radishes, turnips. These vegetables contain a substance called diindolylmethane, which helps the body get rid of excess female hormone. Also you can eat more fiber to naturally cleanse your body and get rid of the toxins that cause excess estrogen. Most fruits and vegetables, nuts and legumes contain large amounts of fiber. Ksenoestrogena are man-made estrogens that are contained in pesticides, artificial growth hormones and steroids, air fresheners and plastic containers. Ksenoestrogena increase the level of the female hormone, reduces testosterone levels. So try to avoid the consumption of fruits and vegetables containing pesticides, animal products (meat and dairy products), grown using artificial growth hormones and steroids. For food storage and water use cookware made of glass, not plastic, as plastic products usually contain xenoestrogen. Do not use perfumes or air fresheners, which as one of the ingredients contains paraben, it is xenoestrogens.

12. Say goodbye to alcohol. To maintain a healthy level of testosterone, and good erection, you need to get rid of alcohol. Alcohol affects the endocrine system, causing your testes to stop production of the male hormone. The alcohol causes production of the stress hormone cortisol. Which breaks down muscle fibers. About the dangers of alcohol to the body of the athlete they know everything. Besides the negative impact on the internal organs, it also contains estrogen, which further suppresses own testosterone. In addition, the alcohol washes away from the body zinc. To a greater extent all this applies to your favorite beverage men - beer. If you have to choose between beer, vodka or cognac, prefer more hard liquor (vodka, cognac).

13. Smoking. Scientifically proven that nicotine and cotinine in cigarettes also inhibit and reduce the production of testosterone.

14. Overheating of the testicles. Your testicles must have a temperature a few degrees below the temperature of the body to function better and increase the production of testosterone. If you wear tight underwear, tight jeans, take a long hot bath, keep the laptop on my knees or doing other things, leads to overheating of the testicles, you will prevent production of testosterone.

Nutrition, vitamins and minerals

15. Eat often in small amounts. Under the "more" refers to 5-6 times a day. Goal: to speed up the metabolism. You know, the better your metabolism, the faster the process of burning fat and, therefore, improves the production of testosterone. It is important that your body naturally increases the testosterone levels by providing a slow and steady feed flow. The achievement of this goal is a fractional power. Moreover, the Breakfast should be most nutritious.

16. Use everything created by nature. Not consuming processed foods and drinks that contain chemicals and additives. This is the main cause of low testosterone. Chemicals and processed foods disrupt our hormones and cause obesity, cause anxiety and depression. Eat processed whole food products.

17. Eat carbohydrates. Low carb diets Deplete your testosterone levels, because the carbohydrates are the main fuel source in every cell of our body. If consumed with food proteins – the building blocks to build tissue throughout the body, carbohydrates are the builders.

18. It is scientifically proven that healthy fats increase the level of testosterone in the blood. Eat healthy fats. Eat plenty of healthy fats throughout the day. This is a great way to increase testosterone levels and libido.

Fats what products are useful:

bananas, salmon, Flaxseed oil, peanut butter
- nuts, milk, olive oil
- egg yolks

19. Consume more zinc. The beneficial properties of zinc have been opened relatively recently, however, their impact on the athlete's body turned out to be really important. It has been proven that zinc does not give testosterone to turn into estrogen. In addition, it stimulates the conversion of estrogen into testosterone. This suggests that zinc plays a critical role in maintaining a high level of testosterone in the blood. Along with the supplements there are foods rich in this substance.

20. The selenium dose of 200 mGy. Selenium is involved in the biosynthesis of testosterone. Has a direct impact on hormone function and fertility. Zinc and selenium every man after 40 is necessary to take continuously. A lot of selenium in garlic. Cum without Selena still. It includes men's detoxification of poisons in the liver, such as gasoline and everything associated with cars.

21. Another way to raise testosterone is to consume foods rich in essential amino acid - arginine. A recent study showed that men taking around two grams of L-arginine per day for two weeks showed improvement in testosterone production. In another study, where the men took five grams of L-arginine a day, showed similar results.

22. Meat – food of the predator. No vegetarian will not allow the body cholesterol – the basics testosterone production. Also metabolism real men necessary zinc. Steak, minced beef, beef Stroganoff should be on the menu every day – this will solve the problem of how to increase testosterone levels in men. But the meat must be lean. 2 chicken Breasts or 200 grams of canned tuna ample serving of animal protein per day. About pork, lamb and beef are best forgotten.

23. Pay attention to the seafood: oysters, shrimp, squid, scallops and crabs. Also known for their effect on male libido and potency.

25. Use olive oil. Olive oil will help You to increase testosterone. Known fact that olive oil helps in restoring the tissues of the human body and increases the level of hormones.

26. Forget the soya and products from it. It is proved that soy reduces testosterone level. So when buying products in stores pay attention to the content of ingredients in sausages, sausages, sausages and other "meat" products.

27. Salt is very sharply reduced production of testosterone. Men love salty due to the acidity of the body. The fact that the sodium part of salt lowers the overall acidity of the body. But sodium is an unpleasant property: for a large amount of salt consumed, it reduces the level of testosterone.

28. Sugar. If a man wants to increase testosterone levels , it is necessary to almost completely abandon the use of sugar and salt. Men, on average, eat 12 spoonfuls of sugar. In fizzy drinks like Sprite and Coke to 1 liter of beverage has 55 grams of sugar, despite the fact that 6 teaspoons of sugar is the upper limit per day for men. Women, unlike men, were more fortunate: they may not limit the amount of sweet.

29. Caffeine. While it is present in the body, it almost stops the production of testosterone and sperm. In fact, the caffeine once in the blood, destroys the testosterone molecule. Acceptable for men to drink no more than 1 Cup of coffee a day, and it is natural coffee. By the way, instant coffee drinking man is strictly prohibited, as this coffee is that testosterone contained in the body of men, under the influence of instant coffee instantly goes into estrogen (female sex hormone). If you don't want to have you (I mean men) grow Breasts, become more feminine face and no longer grow facial hair, do not drink instant coffee. Tea, unlike coffee, has no effect on testosterone and drink it as much as possible.

30. Meat with hormones. All imported meat (beef, pork, and poultry) are produced with hormones. In order to have a large cattle faster increased weight and the amount of fat, they literally are stuffed with hormones. 80% of the hormones which give the pigs in order to have faster increased amount of fat is "female" hormones. Normal meat nowadays you can find, probably only in the market or in the village. As a rule, there is no estrogen in lamb and fish.

31. Fast food. If a man wants to be a Man, he should not eat in fast food. Fast food contains mostly products referred to in the previous paragraphs of this article and other harmful ingredients. There's this great movie called "supersize". View, and the desire to visit fast food you will disappear.

32. Vegetable oil and mayonnaise.
Sunflower oil can also be used, but we must remember that it a bit reduces the level of testosterone. It all depends on the combination of polyunsaturated acids included in the composition of the oil. Men are not advised to eat a lot of mayonnaise, as it consists mainly of vegetable oil.

33. Fizzy drinks (carbon dioxide) ranging from mineral water to Coca-Cola and energy drinks. They contain substances that "sakikawa" the body, sugar, gadoteridol (such as beverages, it is not strange, dehydrate the body!!!), caffeine.

34. Smoked due to the liquid smoke. Meats directly affect the tissues of the testicles, which produce testosterone. Smoking should be natural, it is better if it is hot.

35. A dry red wine. It grape red wine, and not dyed alcohol, which is often sold under the guise of wine. Red wine inhibits aromatase enzyme, which converts testosterone into estrogen. The norm wine a day - no more glasses. This does not apply to no vodka, no champagne, no brandy, nor the moonshine or white wine. These drinks adversely affect the production of testosterone.

36. Spices suppress the external xenoestrogen (plant hormones). Cardamom, Cayenne red pepper, curries, garlic, onion, turmeric. Spices – the Foundation of Indian cuisine. Studies show that the level of spermatogenesis (development of sperm) in Indians is much higher than that of the Europeans. A huge role in this is played by spices.

37. Take vitamin C. Along with strengthening the immune system, this vitamin, like zinc, inhibits the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. You should not buy a separate vitamin C best buy from multivitamin complex, which in addition to vitamin C there are other important micronutrients.

38. Take vitamins A, B, and E. These vitamins also help the production of testosterone in the body. The correct and balanced diet will maintain their level, but multivitamin also not hurt.

39. Vitamin E. he has a very special feature. Between insulin and testosterone there is a certain distance. Insulin does not need to come close to testosterone, otherwise he inaktiviruet, i.e. destroy. Vitamin E is a transport base, which is embedded between them, if they get closer. Vitamin E antioxidant natural wonder. Vitamin E – protection function of testosterone. Female hormones are very stable, they can pay off any aggression, but the male hormone, on the contrary, need protection and the best protection is vitamin E. Vitamin E does not cling to the extra hydrogen. Vitamin E has anti-corrosion treatment.


40. To do strength training with dumbbells, barbells or exercise machines, but no more than 3 times a week.

41. Best exercises for raising testosterone levels - base, namely: squats, deadlifts, bench press bar or dumbbells lying down, bench press bar overhead, pull-UPS, bars.

42. Avoid overtraining. Too frequent training may have a negative to say not only on psychological condition (severe depletion), but also at the hormonal level. Take breaks between trips to the room to recover his strength. The optimal number is 3-4 workouts per week.

43. Aerobics is for women. Aerobics, workouts on a stationary bike lead to muscle fatigue, which in turn increase the concentration of cortisol in the body and reduce testosterone. In this case, cardio is not helpful, and act against men.

44. Training in the company of the beautiful ladies. All the female sex good raises testosterone. When communicating with a beautiful girl in the secretion of male hormone is increased by 40%! This is not the limit. Take a friend with you to the gym. And it's good for her and you well.

Supplements from the pharmacy (safe, BUT do not take them all at once, select the 2-3 most liked)

45. Terrestris, Tribulus (Tribulus terrestris, Acores creeping)

46. Epimedium, Epimedium (Horny goat weed)

47. Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng)

48. Damiana (Turnera aphrodisiaca)

49. Maca or Lepidium meyenii (Lepidium meyenii)

50. Muira Puama (Catuaba, liriosma, Ptychopetalum olacoides)

51. Yohimbe (Corynanthe yohimbe)

52. Pollen (Bee polen)

53. L-carnitine

54. BCAAs (amino acids: leucine, isoleucine, valine)

55. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids